Cupid and Psyche (1817) by Jacques-Louis David: the choice of narrative moment—a libertine adolescent Cupid departs Psyche's bed with "malign joy"[44]—was a new twist on the well-worn subject - SOURCE
A legendary walk in the Ancient Greek Mythology
In Greek Mythology, #Eros appeared as the son of #Aphrodite and #Mars, a primitive #God like #Dionysus who was sometimes referred to as Eleutherios, "the liberator".
Eros was principally the patron of masculine love, while Aphrodite ruled the love between a man and a woman.
In Hesiod's Cosmogony, Eros sprang forth the primordial Chaos together with Gaea, the Earth and Tartarus," the Underworld".
In many cases, he was an attendant to Aphrodite harnessing the primordial force, which constituted a kind of a combination of love, war and fire, and directing it into mortals.
The most famous myth of Eros was the myth of " Eros and Psyche".