What takes people to the Path of Depression?
If someone had to ask me years ago about the meaning of "depression" and "pessimism"
I would say that the first term does not in any reason exist, and the second one is simply a physical reality extent.
BUT those two words dominate the vocabulary of millions of citizens upon this planet, because every day people sink into the #depression hole and follow the path of #pessimism.
What takes people to the path of depression and pessimism?
Is there a remedy or antidote to depression and pessimism?
Have you ever experienced depression?
Yes,I have
No, I haven't
I am a depressed person
I have no idea on what depression is
Cause and effects
People usually cling to ideas cultivated since childhood and also maintained in adulthood.
The results are the following:
Instead of visualizing, they watch TV
Instead of visiting #Nature, they live and work in confined places
Instead of cultivating Love in their Souls, they allow negativity and hater create nests within it
Instead of talking about Values and walking with THEM, they humiliate their life with worthless deeds and thoughts
Instead of expressing their #Gratitude for the #Abundance in their life, affiliate an ungrateful attitude
Instead of Creating, they destroy
Instead of enjoying their fellows creations, they do everything in order to devalue their labors and derive satisfaction from this deed
The key word is "Gratitude" for all goods that we have acquired in life,including abundance, opportunities and new beginnings.
Yes ... The antidote is Gratitude
I think that regardless of how severe a situation might be, there is still an antidote.
Through personal experience gained over the years, I would like to suggest the following:
Do not let Time be wasted. Seize the Time!
Use your mind in a creative and beneficial way for all People
Revitalize your mind. Do not let "Mind Handcuffs" capture your #mind.
If the "Resolution" of your #mindtraps is achieved through a creative, friendly conversation with a good friend, then go on.
If you love a walk in a quiet place, in a beautiful natural #environment, in a forest or a peaceful seashore, then follow your heart!
If a love affair inspires and strengthens you emotionally, then fall in love and enjoy this love affair, without allowing this love becoming another mind reap.
If your intuition advises you to follow a Creative Path, then listen to this intuitive advice. Imprisoned creativity leads to pessimism.
If reality seems so boring and unbearable, then this is a little bell for you to dare Dynamic Changes in your life.
The inability to follow the path that carves our heart, might be the cause that leads to depression.
What about Global Detrimental Events?
When getting away from the selfish notion that we live upon #Earth just to make ourselves happy and when we anticipate that our #Happiness is derived though the Happiness of our fellows, we discover the #Antidote for Depression and Pessimism.
This happens due to the ability of humans to overcome the physical needs, especially this period of time (Global Economical Crisis/Pandemic/War Crisis) and follow a path that shifts us to a Higher Intellectual level.
It's a feature that only humans - Soul Beings - could have and manifest at their own will.
Remember that all People face up hardships and harsh moments in their Life, but also aknowledge that Life upon Earth is a stuff of events that seem to be innevitable, BUT actually they are LIFE LESSONS.
Inner Voices Within: Messages from my Guardian Angel @Katerina Kostaki Official