Katerina KostakiDec 5, 2022AUTO-BIOGRAPHICAL STORIESThe Road the less TravelledYou walk in this path, selected by you and not imposed on you, because you kept your personal agreement with your clear conscience.
Katerina KostakiAug 24, 2022PHILOSOPHY OF EVERYDAY LIFETen Tips of a Healthy LifestyleLeading a Healthy Lifestyle , a real Healthy Lifestyle means that you feel good in every aspect in your Life
Katerina KostakiJul 10, 2022THE EDEN MAGAZINE PUBLICATIONSPhilotimo,Love of Honor and UngratefulnessThe word "Philotimo" (Lover of Honor), which is purely a Greek word, is very difficult to be found in an English dictionary
Katerina KostakiApr 30, 2022SPIRITUALITY IN ACTIONExercise on Gratitude:How to Begin the Path of SeeingA question that could ask myself is the following:"Is there anything today for which I can be grateful?".
Katerina KostakiMar 3, 2022SPIRITUALITY IN ACTIONThe antidote for depression and pessimismIf someone had to ask me years ago about the meaning of "depression" and "pessimism"
Katerina KostakiFeb 2, 2022CREATIVE WRITING AND POETRYSea and the Cells of Gratitude @KaterinaKostakiThe most appropriate time to sense the presence of Inspiration, to possess this inspiration flow is the one admin at the battle taken place