Katerina KostakiJan 2, 2023ACADEMY OF INNER LIGHT (NETWORK)HOLIDAY & NEW YEAR 2023 WISHES/ ΕΥΧΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΟ ΝΕΟ ΕΤΟΣ 2023Those who will keep the values, traditions, customs of our people and those who acquire and preserve Knowledge and Wisdom will progress.
Katerina KostakiMar 26, 2022AUTO-BIOGRAPHICAL STORIESWhen Love met Happiness @KaterinaKostaki Happiness can not be immortal.Man is determined to strive & worry in order to feel the delicious taste of Happiness over his heart's strings
Katerina KostakiMar 3, 2022SPIRITUALITY IN ACTIONThe antidote for depression and pessimismIf someone had to ask me years ago about the meaning of "depression" and "pessimism"