Katerina KostakiMay 19, 2023THE EDEN MAGAZINE PUBLICATIONS "THE SOWING, THE SEED, THE SEEDER, AND THE COSMIC ELIXIR"-KATERINA KOSTAKI PUBLICATIONS Running after life situations is a rather absurd choice, perhaps an extremely souldestroying one.
Katerina KostakiApr 8, 2022AUTO-BIOGRAPHICAL STORIESTeardrops of Joy ©KaterinaKostakiTeardrops of Joy looks like an Epiphany. I had to surrender to my Inner Light and build bridges within me.
Katerina KostakiOct 4, 2017GLOBAL AWAKENINGThe Art of Living in SpiritAs a miracle - maker my heart became my Holy Guide on this emotional turbulence and provided with a huge, inspirational and motivational ins
Katerina KostakiSep 4, 2017SPIRITUALITY AND SOCIAL NETWORKINGA brand new beggining...A brand beggining for the Academy of Inner Light Network.An encouraging and inspiring heartfelt writing by visionary author Katerina Kostaki