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A Cosmic Journey along the Path of Light

If you appreciate Katerina Kostaki's creative writing, be sure to subscribe to our BlogPosts plans for a journey filled with inspiration and knowledge.

Katerina Kostaki
Apr 12, 20221 min read
What's a good metaphor for Plato's allegory of the cave (The light, the shadows, etc…)?
Plato was more than a contemporary writer and philosopher;He envisioned the reality we all live in aka Matrix

Katerina Kostaki
Apr 8, 20223 min read
Teardrops of Joy ©KaterinaKostaki
Teardrops of Joy looks like an Epiphany.
I had to surrender to my Inner Light and build bridges within me.

Katerina Kostaki
Mar 13, 20224 min read
Remember You are not Alone
Whether you are feeling absolutely alone and totally isolated from the rest of the world, there is always a warm shelter

Katerina Kostaki
Mar 11, 20221 min read
Where can I talk about spiritual awakening if no one around me believes in it?
Those who are meant to awaken will awaken. Those souls who are ready to evolve they will definately evolve.

Katerina Kostaki
Mar 9, 20221 min read
Inner Power, our greatest friend © Katerina Kostaki
Ultimately there is a hidden reason for difficulties existing in our lives.

Katerina Kostaki
Mar 9, 20222 min read
What is The Matrix about?
The beggining is always the End and vice versa.
Matrix never ends but it restarts with new rules.

Katerina Kostaki
Mar 5, 20224 min read
The Tree of Gnosis in the Garden of Eden
The Tree of Gnosis in the Garden of Eden:The first step on the Spiritual Awakening process is to let yourself BECOME.

Katerina Kostaki
Feb 27, 20223 min read
Creativity and Cosmic Consciousness
Perhaps it sounds a bit cliche, but mostly the conception of an idea or a intense emotion looks like a pregnancy,a difficult and painful one

Katerina Kostaki
Feb 12, 20223 min read
How to create your first Crystal Altar for Protection and Abundance
If you love to empower yourself or shift the energy within you and aside create abundance and prosperity in your life

Katerina Kostaki
Mar 3, 20214 min read
The Stone Years and Forgiveness (Reloaded)
This article is an altered autobiographical writing particle of mine.It's entirely a piece of work that exposes my life in a few paragraphs.

Katerina Kostaki
Dec 10, 20203 min read
Academy of Inner Light WebPage Re-launched
It's not always what it seems to be happening but what kind of task you've eventually accomplished.
And surely it's not about this WebPage..

Katerina Kostaki
Sep 19, 20172 min read
What does not kill you makes you stronger-A long life resolution
In the days to come, we use more and more this gifted presence and our talents to avoid any negative emotions and vibrate on a higher level.

Katerina Kostaki
Sep 11, 20173 min read
The Life Journey that carries Hopes:My spiritual journey begins
The following excerpt is the first one translated and published on net into English depicts a fantasy world or parallel universe where peopl

Katerina Kostaki
Sep 4, 20171 min read
A brand new beggining...
A brand beggining for the Academy of Inner Light Network.An encouraging and inspiring heartfelt writing by visionary author Katerina Kostaki

Katerina Kostaki
Aug 31, 20172 min read
Cosmic Light:Author Katerina Kostaki’s Book Shares an Evolutionary Path to Light
Cosmic Light, a spiritual book of poetry, written and published primarily in Greek language in Athens, Greece (October 2008)

Katerina Kostaki
Aug 27, 20171 min read
Cosmic Light, a cosmic poetry book
It was spring of 2008.
My first novel was published on 2007 on a small publishing house in Athens.
I had already launched my first webpage

Katerina Kostaki
Aug 27, 20172 min read
Author Katerina Kostaki’s Book Shares an Evolutionary Path to Light Author Katerina Kostaki’s Book Shares an Evolutionary Path to Light...
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